IGB participated in the planning and developed the urbanization project. We provide the technical assistance service for the approval of the project by the Municipality of Madrid, making the necessary changes to respect the considerations established by the various accusations that have occurred. We have also developed a gradual implementation plan with functional sectors.
Currently, we are leading the works management, technical assistance, supervision and coordination of Health and Safety during the execution of the works.
This urban development is framed to the north by the areas of La Atalayuela, La Dehesa and La Cuqueña and by line 9 of the METRO that goes to Arganda del Rey. To the south on the A-3 highway; to the west of the district of Vicálvaro and to the east of the municipality of Rivas Vaciamadrid.
It is crossed by the M-203 and the M-45 motorway. For both the A-3 and the M-45 IGB has designed and directed the works of the accesses with their service roads and collectors with several bridges
The urbanization project that has been developed includes the specific projects of general land movement, diversion of affected services, paving, potable water supply, irrigation network with reclaimed water, sewage system, telecommunications network, electric power network, distribution of natural gas, street lighting and green areas. We have designed two reservoirs and a pumping station for the irrigation network with reclaimed water. The area has service galleries in the main roads.
Furthermore the recesses of the water supply arteries with a diameter of 1,000 mm, the collectors that can be visited, two gas pipelines, an oil pipeline and several high voltage power lines included in the project, are being built.
The construction of the Los Migueles storm pond of city promotion has already been completed. IGB has carried out the project and technical assistance to the construction management of the Madrid City Hall.
As a specific environmental conditioner, we highlight that the sector is crossed by the Colada del Santísimo and Las Peñuelas and by the beds of the Marañosa and Migueles streams, which have been integrated into the urban development project with the creation of large green spaces.
There is also an archaeological follow-up of the works, with findings of settlements from the Bronze Age and the Roman Empire in which the excavations determined by the team of archaeologists have been carried out.